Finland's food

2014/08/23. - írta: Vitzus

Alright so you guys asked me to tell about food... So here potatoes are important, because they grow well and Finns know atleast a thousand ways to prepare them and they are even good. Boiled potatoes are the most frequent side dish.

To what? To meat. I cannot tell about the whole country's customs as I lived only with one family. Chicken, beef and pork are all eaten. Many times we had chicken breast pieces in yummy sauces, or some kind of laatikko-s, where for example potato chips (in the British sense), ham, sausage and veggies are just mixed together, poured with some kind of milk-egg sauce and put into the oven. Also, Finns tend to use a lot of ananas, mostly with meat at barbecueing. Of course smoked fish is also eaten, and I like it! 

But I'll just put some pictures here...


Smoked salmon.


When the fridge is getting empty and you want a nice dish... Pyytipannu



This was some fish food and kotikalja from ABC...



Important! Hernekeitto! Pea soup kinda thing. With rye bread! (ruisleipä)


Puuro (porridge) without kiiseli (some kind of fruit soup)


Puuro kiiselillä




Bakery goods - don't freak out toooo much from the prices, this was in the amusement park.



Riisipiirakka/karjalanpiirakka again


Pulla. Kalács. Milk-loaf? Dictionary doesn't help. 


Ice cream. Because Finland eats the most icecream and any weather in Finland is icecream weather.


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