The special connection between a fangirl and her favorite musicians

2024/04/29. - írta: Vitzus

is love like no other. It's such a stable, dedicated, genuine and beautifully platonic relationship. It's the happiest of reunions only made even more special by the regular irregularity of it all. Few things are as wholesome as a band returning your love and dedication in the form of a pair of actively listening ears, a beer brought out from the backstage just for you, without even asking if you need one – just knowing to do it by paying attention (9 out of 10 times not maliciously intending to get you drunk).

It's a couple of days of peak joy; a few hours before, during, and after the concert where the adrenalin and all the happiness hormones culminate into an ephemeral but emotionally heightened high that we all ride (and share) together.

No matter who the band is, what the relationship is like or how long your shared journey has been – the feeling of the reciprocated fanlove is always the same.

Of course, it is apparent that these feelings ARE heightened due to the romance of "being on the road" and due to meeting in happy times and never the hard ones, but this does not invalidate these emotions. And these emotions are intoxicating and addictive. Of course we keep going back for more.

Oh, and there is music, too. Music is one of the most emotional things people create, and these emotions being tied to such sentimental art really just involves one more sense into the equation, having an incredibly strong effect on the brain...

(My only wish is that the judgmental outside eyes wouldn't mistake every fanship for a sexual relation. The most wholesome ones never are.)

Címkék: zene metál fangirl
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